Thursday, October 9, 2014

TED Ed - Technology Integration

When I become a teacher, I think that I am going to provide my students with “Authentic Learning” at the “Infusion Level” of Technology Integration Matrix. Authentic learning at the infusion level simply means that in order to complete given activities, which need to be at an authentic context rather that just the instructional settings, the students need to find the proper technological instrument and be comfortable using it. This means that as their teacher, I am going to need to encourage my students to use technology to connect their education with the outside world and with their interests.

Although it seems a bit ambitious to use technology that much, if we take today’s conditions, where technology is an inseparable part of our daily lives, it would be our conservativeness not to fuse technology to our students’ educations. Therefore, it is what should be done if we want to raise people who are capable of dealing with 21st century problems.

Of course there are going to be a lot of problems while I am trying to integrate technology to my class. First of all, most of the experienced teachers in Turkey believe that the traditional methods of teaching are the best ways to teach. If we take into consideration that my administrators are going to be ones of them, I am going to have lots of trouble trying to convince my administrators to use this system in their school. In addition, because most parents also are fond of the traditional methods, it is very likely that they are going to cause me problems because of the stuff their children doing as homework. However, all these problems are surmountable. In my opinion, everyone can be convinced to believe in anything; it depends on how determined we are.

All in all, although applying authentic learning at the infusion level seems quite difficult because of the current conditions in Turkey, I don’t think that the problems that I am going to face be unmanageable; the important thing is not giving up. As Elbert Hubbard says, “There is no failure except in no longer trying.”

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ssoner;) I liked that you showed us the real picture of life. As you mentioned it, as prospective teachers, we will be dealing with lovely administrators who are keen on leading us to fuse the technology into classrooms! Of course, there will be lots of obstacles in the way of education but it does not mean that we will give up what we believe in, we will stand and try our best! And as a last word my friend , we are educated for this, arent we?
