Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Teens and Social Media Chart

In the 20th century, there was no connection between the students and the teachers beside the classroom. So, the teachers were supposed to give every bit of information to the students during the class sessions. However, with computers, internet and social media, students and teachers are connected better than ever before. Today, for example, teachers can assign their students a homework at 9 PM after the class thanks to the technology.

By looking at the chart above, where we can see clearly that almost every student we are going to have use social media (especially Facebook), we can conclude that our understanding of teaching needs to change. Because teenagers use these kinds of communication and like doing it, maybe we can use these sources as well. For instance, we can create some fun activities for our students using social media. Or we can use social media to share audios or videos that are related to our course.

In short, as we can see from the chart, the world's orbit is changing and it is becoming to revolve around technology. If we don't adapt ourselves to this change, we never are going to be successful teachers.


  1. Hi Soner! I totally agree with you on the sense that integrating technology into teaching becomes an inevitable aspect of teaching. I believe the usage of twitter has increased since 2012. Which programs do you think would be useful for us to create fun activities and share audios ? Thank you for this lovely chart ! :)

  2. Hi Soner. First of all I think that the chart helps a lot to understand the subject better and It is easy to understand. You are right about the technology being an important part of both teaching and our lives. I think there should more ways found to merge teaching and technology to improve the effectiveness.
