Tuesday, October 7, 2014

TED Ed - Being a Teacher in the 21st Century

When I start teaching, I don't think that I will be an underdeveloped person in terms of technology because I always follow the new technological inventions, innovations, trends etc. The reason why I do that is of course not because I will become a digital teacher but because I like technology. However, thanks to the skills I have related to technology, computers and internet, I will become a teacher who uses these sources very often. Also, since my students are going to be very interested in technology, as the time they live in requires so, I won't have any difficulties talking to them in the same language.

However, I might face some obstacles trying to use technology in my classroom because I need school administration's approval and their sources as well. If I am lucky enough to find a school that is fond of using technology, I will try my best to exploit technology as much as possible. For example, unlike many teachers these days, I would ask my students to bring their tablets, laptops and smartphones to the class so that they could use these types of sources as well.

In short, technology is everywhere in our world now and in order to be effective and efficient teachers, we need to adapt every aspect of life to technology including learning environments and I think that I am going to be one of the teachers who do so.

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