Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Turkish Schools and Technology

Use of technology in education in Turkey has gone a long way during the last decade. Earlier, what classrooms only had was a blackboard and a teacher. However, today, most schools have computer classrooms, smart boards, televisions etc. and the education system encourages teachers to use these sources.

By the time I graduate, I don’t think that there is going to be differences in terms of technology use in classrooms. The reason why I think this way is because Turkey is a slow adapting country. Considering I have only two years before I start teaching, it is not difficult to say that everything is going to be very similar to the way they are right now. But this doesn't mean that I am not going to use technology in my classrooms.

When I become a teacher, I will try to use technology as much as possible because, although many people are against this idea, technology makes the teachers’ lives easier. People think opposite because they are having difficulties adapting themselves to technology, computers and internet but for me using them is very natural. So, I see myself using lots of technological stuff in my classrooms when I become a teacher.

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