Thursday, October 9, 2014

The ASSURE Model and My High School Teacher

Back at the high school, I had a great English teacher who I think was a very effective teacher. I think she was equipped with all the skills that a good teacher should have. Also, she was the person who made me like English. When I look at the ASSURE model, I can see that she was doing pretty much everything that the model requires.

First of all, she was a great observer. Therefore, her skill of analysing characteristics of the learners was very efficient. She was able to identify all of our general characteristics and learning styles by the end of the first week.

Although, it wasn't possible for us to know if she stated objectives of the course, in my opinion, she did because she seemed to know what she was doing and why she was doing it all the time.

In addition, because she was a great observer and she knew how we learned, she selected perfect methods and materials for us. She not only selected but also utilised those materials so that we all could take advantage of them.

One of her best feature was that she always required our participation. She knew that learning something is easier when we are involved in it. Therefore she always created discussions to make us learn by questioning.

I have no idea if she evaluated the methods, materials or learning outcomes. However, I think in order to become that effective, she should have evaluated all the things she used on us earlier.

Although there is no way for us to know whether she followed the ASSURE model or not, when I look back now, I can say that she was following it even if she didn't intend to.


  1. Hi Soner :). The teacher you introduced seems nice. Especially, she was good at requiring your participation and analyzing characteristic of her learners. Therefore, I think that you were very lucky as you had such a teacher.
    Actually, following the ASSURE model totally seems a bit difficult, so Do you think that you will be able to follow it completaly when you become a teacher?

    1. Well, I sure will try but I don't know if I will be able to follow it completely. I hope that I will be though :)

  2. Hello Soner :) I think you are a lucky student because you had a chance to have such a nice teacher. I believe that the teacher is the most important part of the lesson; if you like the teacher, you become more successful. I saw that this is what happened to you. You like English thanks to your teacher. I hope you can follow Assure model when you become a teacher.
